President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi on Tuesday emphasized that everyone should exercise self-restraint, including the security authorities, as much as is possible. \"Weapon is a red line and forbidden in Aden,\" the President said as meeting with members of Aden national council in the presence of the Aden governor Wahid Ali Rashid. \"Those who have been provided with arms for undermining the security of Aden have to know that …. they will be punished for such acts.\" Aden is a civilized city and have a special geographical location and good people with civil cultural attributes, Hadi said, however - he add - it \"pays the price of all conflicts and disagreements since independence in 1967 until today.\" He indicated to the national comprehensive dialogue conference, saying it is a historic chance that would not occur again with such unprecedented international support. \"We all have to make every effort to reach March 18 and launch the dialogue on bases of justice, truth and fairness. It is a national historic responsibility on our shoulders,\" the President said.