More UAE troops arrive in Yemen to replace returning soldiers

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi will hold talks in Aden on Saturday with security, local and military leaderships of Aden and neighboring governorates, reported the Yemeni official news agency.

The talks will tackle on people's needs at the service, living and security levels in addition to a number of pressing issues.

Hadi arrived in Aden, the temporary capital, earlier Saturday.

Yemen has been entangled in civil war when Houthis and supporters of ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh attempted a coup against the internationally recognized Yemeni government of Hadi.

Almost a year ago, Saudi Arabia led an Arab coalition forces to back Hadi and resistance forces. 

Aden, the only area coalition forces have so far managed to “liberate” (in July last year), is beset by lawlessness. The conflict has spread across the entire country. Today, civilians are suffering in the fighting tearing Yemen apart. 

Twenty of Yemen’s 22 governorates are precariously poised on the verge of devastating famine.

Source: MENA