Yemen President Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi said on Sunday that an accident of a car bomb has revealed a terrorist plot targeted three provinces. During his meeting with Shure council\'s members, Hadi said the disclosed plot aimed to carry out three car bomb attacks in public areas at Crater city in Aden, Bab Laymen area in Sana\'a and at Dar al-Musical in Trim city in Hadramout. \"What if all these cars have blown up at the same time as planned. How is the image of Yemen inside and outside the country? What is the first impression of any one after hearing such terrible news?\" Hadi urged Shura council members, clerks, social personalities and all citizens to stand against the terrorists acts that negatively impacted the economic situation in the country. As to the comprehensive national dialogue, the President said that the national dialogue will tackle all pending issues and forge the future of a new Yemen based on freedom, justice, equality and good governance in addition to maintain Yemen\'s unity, security and stability. Three political, economic and security impasses erupted in the country in 2011 besides the aftermaths of each, Hadi said. \"Three impasses break out simultaneously will collapse any country.\" In Yemen, wisdom prevails and all political powers have agreed to solve the crisis via the Gulf initiative and a peaceful power transfer deal was reached, he said. After the speech, President Hadi and the members of the Shura council discussed the latest developments on the national arena and efforts being exerted to achieve the political settlement under the Gulf initiative.