Fierce clashes

Pro-legitimacy Yemeni forces and Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) members clashed with Houthis and forces of former president Ali Saleh in Najd Qassim's region in Taiz, the media center of the military council in Taiz governorate said in a statement on Friday.

The media center added the Yemeni forces continued to purge the residents' houses from the Houthi snipers and the Houthi-held districts in the region to open the main road.

In a retaliatory move, the Houthis have shelled residential districts in Taiz city with artillery and rockets, the media center asserted.

The Arab coalition aircraft pounded sites of the Houthis in some areas to the east of Taiz governorate, while the Houthis have targeted a hospital on Thursday evening with a number of shells, injuring two of its workers, the media center underlined.

The clashes erupted Thursday between the Houthis and Yemeni army forces led to the killing of eight Houthis and wounding eleven others, while five Yemeni army personnel were slain and 10 others injured.

Sources: MENA