Dozens killed, wounded in Ta'iz confrontations

Dozens were killed and wounded over the past 24 hours in confrontations in separate parts of Yemen's Ta'iz.

The Arab-led aircraft continued to bombard hotbeds of Houthis and militias loyal to former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh in Ta'iz.

The media center of the Ta'iz military council said operations centered in western and northern areas in the city.

The targets involved militia pockets at the Republican Palace which was set ablaze as a result of the attacks.

The media center also announced that militias committed a new massacre in the Yemeni city due to their shelling of a residential complex which left six civilians killed and 16 others wounded.

According to medical sources, the victims who were moved to a number of hospitals included children and women.

Thursday's confrontations left 13 militiamen dead and dozens wounded, the media center said, adding that seven army and resistance men were also killed while 24 others wounded.

Meanwhile, a surge in violent confrontations continued in separate areas to the east of Ta'iz, according to the media center.

Source: MENA