The shadow of Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, are cast on a large representation of the Yemeni flag

Adel Al-Shujaa, senior member of General People’s Congress (GPC) party in Yemen filed a case against Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, leader of the Houthi militias following a speech Al-Houthi gave last week.
Al-Shujaa deemed the speech an act of racism, hatred and sectarianism, adding that it was a blatant violation of the rights of the Yemeni people. He said the speech contained direct instructions to practice violence against those who do not abide by the Houthi ways, and clearly called for eliminating those who stand in opposition.
“Ignoring or turning a blind eye to this speech will lead to bloodshed of groups who are incited against them, and will lead to more massacres than those of the Nazis,” he added.
“This speech cheapens and devalues the blood of all Yemenis and calls for continual war without any regard for people’s lives and futures.”
Sources have reported that the ongoing conflict between ousted-president Ali Abdullah Saleh and leaders of the Houthi group in Sana’a have intensified, as Saleh ordered the detention of the brother of Houthi leader Abdulkhaliq Al-Houthi in a cell inside the Saleh reserve forces camp in Sawad Haziz south of Sana’a, along with a number of companions.
They were imprisoned for hours before they were released due to the intervention of both groups’ leaders. Houthis continue to target media outlets and journalists loyal to Saleh, cracking down on them and preventing them from reporting information freely.
Head of Al-Thawra Press Foundation, under directives from Houthi leadership, suspended 16 employees from their work and transferred them over to prosecutors on charges of destabilizing peace and making death threats against the head of the foundation.
According to sources in Sana’a, Houthis have been pressuring GPC’s media officials, using various means to force them to abandon certain demands related to media outlets.
The sources pointed to continual Houthi pressures of this nature on other congress members, given the GPC’s inability to confront them.

Source: Arab News