Coalition warplanes shell Huthis

Arab coalition warplanes shelled on the wee hours of Thursday sites of Houthis and forces loyal to former Yemeni president Ali Saleh in Al-Rahida city of Taiz governorate, Huna Aden website reported.

The air strike killed a number of Houthis, the website further said.

In the meantime, 25 Houthis were killed while dozens were injured in clashes with resistance forces in the governorate in which four persons of the resistance were killed while 17 others were injured, sources of the resistance in Taiz said.

Meanwhile, more than 40 Houthis were killed in clashes in Arhab district of Sanaa governorate in the past four days.

Yemen has been rocked by months of fighting between the Houthis and loyalists of Yemeni President Abdrabu Mansur Hadi, supported by the Arab coalition, leaving thousands dead and 21 million people in need of urgent aid.