Royal Saudi Air force

Arab coalition warplanes conducted air strikes against positions and hideouts of Houthi militants and forces loyal to Yemen's former president Ali Abdullah Saleh eastern Taiz city, destroying large quantities of weapons.

The air strikes targeted Houthi positions in Ouman Mountain, which once used as a base for Yemen's Air Defense forces before turning into a hotbed for militants, the media center of the military council in Taiz reported on Friday.

Meanwhile, Yemeni army and Public Resistance forces repelled an attack by Houthis against Taiz northern and western neighborhoods. 

As fierce clashes erupted between the two sides in the eastern parts of the city, 12 militants were killed and injured, while four Yemeni soldiers were injured.

Random shelling by Houthi militants on residential neighborhoods eastern Taiz left a woman dead and two other citizens injured.

Source: MENA