Clashes reported near central prison in Yemen's Taiz

The military council in Taiz reported on Friday fierce clashes between Yemeni army forces, backed by members of the Yemeni Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), and Houthi militants near the central prison and Al Saleh Gardens in Dhabab district in western Taiz city. 

The confrontations broke out when the Houthi militants, backed by forces loyal to former president Ali Saleh, tried to advance towards the central prison and Thalatheen Street but they were pushed back by the Yemeni army troops that killed many of them, the military council's media center said.

Also, the Yemeni army forces and the PRC members repelled a Houthi attack in Dhabab district and another offensive at a military camp of the 35th Brigade at the old airport in western Taiz, the media office added.

The two attacks were finally foiled by the Yemeni army troops and the Saudi-led coalition aircraft, the media office asserted. 

Furthermore, violent clashes occurred between the pro-legitimacy 22th Brigade, backed by the PRC members, and the Houthis in a neighborhood in northern Taiz, causing heavy losses to the Houthi militants, according to the media office. 

The Saudi-led coalition jets heavily pounded some Houthi sites in different parts of the city, the media office underlined.

The clashes and Arab coalition airstrikes, happened in different areas in Taiz city, led to the killing of 29 Houthis and injuring scores while five members of the PRC and Yemeni army were shot dead.

A citizen was killed and four others were wounded in the Houthi random shelling of the populated neighborhoods in Taiz.

Source: MENA