Houthi Shiite rebels carry the coffin of fellow Houthi

Four fighters of Shiites Houthi group were killed on Sunday when a roadside bombing targeted their vehicle in Yemen's central province of al-Bayda, a tribal leader told Xinhua.
"Apparently an improvised explosive detonated under a Shiite Houthi vehicle carrying about four fighters of the group on a road near Qayfah village in al-Bayda province, killing all people on- board," local tribal source said on condition of anonymity.
All the victims were mid-level members of the group, he added.
The tribal leader blamed al-Qaida militants were behind the attack. However, both the Yemeni government and Shiite Houthis have yet to claim responsibility.
The Shiite Houthi fighters have succeeded in capturing a number of villages and cities across al-Bayda province and Yemen's central regions, forcing hundreds of people to flee to neighboring provinces.
The impoverished Arab country has been gripped by regional al- Qaida insurgency since 2009. Terrorist groups, mainly based in southern and eastern provinces, have launched frequent suicide attacks on army and security targets, leaving hundreds of people dead.