Arab coalition air strikes in Yemen

The Yemeni capital Sana'a witnessed Thursday many blasts in the arms depots at the headquarters of the first armored squad controlled by the Houthis since invading Sana'a in September 2014.

The explosions took place after a series of air raids that targeted the weapons depots. Warplanes affiliated to the Saudi-led Arab Coalition are believed to launch the raids, according to the BBC.

A military source and eyewitnesses described the depot as the biggest in Sana'a.

Al Kharafi camp and the national security intelligence headquarters were exposed to five raids which caused the damage of some buildings, said eyewitnesses and military sources.

Meanwhile, houses, belonging to the leaders of the Houthis and forces of the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, were also raided leaving some leaders dead.

Source: MENA