
Arab Ministerial Committee on Palestine called for holding an international conference to reach an effective international mechanism to end Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and implement the two-state solution with a specified timeframe.

Palestinian permanent representative to the Arab League Gamal Al Shobky said the meeting comes upon the request of Palestine to discuss Arab action that aims to end Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The meeting was presided over by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and was attended by representatives of Palestine, Morocco and Jordan as well as AL Chief Nabil al Arabi.

This comes ahead of Arabi's visit to New York planned on Monday in which he will attend an international meeting that was called for by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to discuss standards set to elect a new UN chief.

Arabi is also expected to meet with US State Secretary John Kerry to discuss the latest developments concerning the Palestinian cause.

Source: MENA