Airstrikes continue in Yemen despite cease fire

Arab coalition warplanes shelled positions in Sanaa affiliated to Houthis and pro-former president Ali Abdullah Saleh militias, eyewitnesses said.

Two hours after the expiry of the 72-hour truce, the jets shelled al Hafa, Nuqm and al Nahdyn military camps. 

The warplanes continued to roam over the capital for a long time until dawn.

The jets shelled once again Al Hafa and Nuqm military camps on Sunday morning.

The Yemeni News agency, managed by Houthis, confirmed the air raids.

Earlier, the UN special envoy for Yemen urged the warring parties in the Arab country to extend a temporary cease-fire for at least another renewable 72 hours.

The 72-hour truce expired at 11:59 p.m. local time Saturday.

Source: MENA