Arab jets kill 35 Huthis in Tiaz

A total of 35 militants were killed while dozens were injured after Arab coalition warplanes shelled a number of Houthis and pro-former president Ali Abdullah Saleh gatherings in Taiz governorate, the military council's media center in Taiz said on Thursday.

Meanwhile, two members of the resistance were killed while six others and seven civilians were injured in militias' indiscriminate shelling.

In the meantime, Yemeni Local Administration Minister Abdul Raqib Fath and Minister of Social Affairs Sameera Khamis met with UNHCR Yemen Representative Johannes van der Klaauw to discuss the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

During the meeting, Fath said the militias are still holding 100 vehicles affiliated to OCHA d loaded with humanitarian assistance to Taiz residents.

He urged the UN to intensify its humanitarian aid and press on militias to guarantee safe corridors for the arrival of humanitarian aid to the besieged cities.

Johannes van der Klaauw asserted that humanitarian aid will reach residents of Al Mudhaffar, Al Qahirah and Salh districts in Taiz within two days.

Source: MENA