Arab coalition warplanes

Arab coalition warplanes on Sunday resumed shelling of Houthi and former Yemeni president militias in northern Sanaa.

The coalition warplanes also carried out reconnaissance sorties over the directorates where fierce clashes have been going on between the Yemeni army, popular resistance troops on one hand and the rebellious militias on the other hand.

Resistance media center said the warplanes targeted Houthi locations in Azal district and its surroundings in Nahm directorate in eastern Sanaa.

The shelling also hit weapons storehouses in Al Arqoub camp in Khawlan directorate in eastern the capital. 

Meanwhile, Head of the Higher Resistance Council Sheikh Mansour Al Hanq said he met in Riyadh with Deputy Commander of the Yemeni Army General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar. They discussed plans to resume liberation of other directorates in Sanaa and approve mechanism to guarantee implementing the plans with the feast costs and losses. 

In statements to Resistance Media Centre, Hanq said the meeting also covered means of contacting with social and military figures in Sanaa, means of protecting citizens and their property.

Source : MENA