Arab coalition warplanes shell Houthi position in northern Sanaa

Arab coalition warplanes on Sunday shelled positions of Houthis and militants loyal to former president Ali Aballdah Saleh in Zemar province, located 100 kilometers south of Sanaa.

Zemar Media Center said the Arab warplanes shelled arms' warehouses in Zemar stadium that Houthis used as shelter. The shelling caused strong explosions at the scene. 

Meanwhile, ambulances rushed to Al Bayda province to move the victims of ongoing clashes between Houthis and resistance troops in the neighboring Al Bayda province. Medical sources said nine people were killed and 13 others injured and were admitted to Bayda hospital.

The Yemeni army and its affiliate resistance forces have engaged in clashes with Houthis over the past three days to restore Baydaa province which has a strategic importance in view of its location in the middle of seven Yemeni governorates.

Source: MENA