Arab coalition jets shell Huthi sites in Sanaa, al-Hudaydah

The Saudi-led coalition jet fighters pounded some sites of Houthi fighters and forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Sanaa and Al Hudaydah governorates, eyewitnesses said on Thursday.

The targeted Houthi positions are a military camp of the Yemeni republican guard in Dilaa Hamdan district and sites close to Sanaa Airport in the governorate, they added.

Sound of four strong explosions were heard from the site of the airstrikes, the eyewitnesses asserted.

Also, the Arab coalition war jets have pounded some Houthi sites at the military airport in the governorate and destroyed arms and ammunition depots. (MENA)

A coalition led by Saudi Arabia and its allies supporting Yemen's embattled President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi has been fighting the Houthi group, which controls the capital, since March to boost legitimacy.

Source: MENA