Coalition jets

The Saudi-led coalition aircraft continued Friday to shell some positions of Houthi militants and forces loyal to former president Ali Saleh in the front lines in Taiz governorate.

Fierce clashes erupted in several front lines on Thursday between pro-legitimacy Yemeni forces and Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) members with Houthi militants, the media center of the military council in Taiz said.

The clashes led to the killing and injuring 13 Houthi militants and injuring nine others while two members of the PRC were killed and 17 others wounded, the media center added.

Also, a Yemeni citizen was killed and 21 others were injured in the indiscriminate shelling of the residential districts in Taiz city by the Houthis. the media center underlined.

The Arab coalition forces have controlled the Hanish Island in Al Hudaydah city that is considered one of the most important strongholds used by the Houthis to smuggle arms, according to the media center.

Sources: MENA