Saudi-led coalition air defense systems intercept Houthis ballistic missile on Mareb

The air defense systems of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition intercepted on Sunday two ballistic missiles launched by the Houthis and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdallah Saleh on Ma'reb governorate, east of Sanaa.

Military sources said the first missile was intercepted at 2:05 am (Sanaa local time) and the second was launched after less than an hour.

Saba Media Centre said the Houthis violated for 57 times the truce that was reached on Satuday noon in Serwah and el Mokhdara fronts as well as the southeastern borders of Al Baydaa governorate.

In Taez, southwest Yemen, clashes have been going on between the Yemeni army and their loyal resistance forces and Houthis in a clear violation of the truce.

The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen declared a 48-hour ceasefire on Saturday, but fighting continued to rage around the city of Taez.

The truce was supposed to begin at noon Yemeni time – 1pm in the UAE – and could be renewed on the condition that the Houthi rebels abided by it and allowed humanitarian aid into besieged cities.

The coalition warned Shiite rebels against any type of military movement.

But the Houthis continued to battle pro-government forces in Taez hours after the ceasefire was meant to come into effect.

Source: MENA