In the wake of Unity Day demonstrations, secessionists in Aden called for a break with the Republic of Yemen, warning of more violence, local authorities said. The Socialist Forum said Wednesday al-Harak -- the Southern Secessionist Movement -- sought to unite various political factions under the South Yemen flag to force the central government in Sanaa to grant independence to the South, with its capital in Aden. \"We are raising the old southern flag in defiance of the North. We will not allow Sanaa to dictate southerners\' future,\" a secessionist said on al-Masdar Online Wednesday. Mareb Press said clashes among al-Harak militants, the Youth Movement and the Republican Guards were in their second day. A medical source told Yemen Fox more than 15 people, including children had been injured in clashes since Tuesday. Unity Day marked the unification of North and South Yemen May 22, 1990.