new massacre committed by Houthis and Saleh militias

Nine Yemenis, including five women and children, were killed and 26 others, most of them children, were injured in an initial toll of a new massacre committed by Houthis and Saleh militias in Taiz 

Rockets, fired by rebels, hit a busy market in the western city of Taiz on Friday, when residents were shopping in preparation for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The death toll was expected to rise, an official said.

Earlier, the rebels bombed residential neighborhoods in the city, where a civilian was killed and others were injured.

Spokesman for Taiz military council Mansour Hassani called on the government's official delegation to the Kuwait peace talks on Yemen to take a strict stance against crimes committed by the militias.

He also urged the international community to carry full responsibility for all these crimes and to protect civilians, women and children from these brutal massacres.

Source ; MENA