Commander of the 3rd Military Region Maj. Gen. Ahmed Saifal-Yafei has confirmed that six of al-Qaeda elements, including leaders, were killedand dozens injured in Shabwa province.Al-Yafei explained to Saba that units of the 3rd Military Region arrived to Azzanarea in Shabwa province to back the military and security units stationed there topurge the area of the terrorism elements.Dozens of terrorists fled from Azzan area and over 30 others were killed since dawnon Wednesday, al-Yafei said.He added "the bodies scattered in several locations demonstrate that al-Qaedaorganization is forcing children to fight on their side ,and that's what will beoconfirmed by the photos and documents that will be delivered to the media soon."Al-Yafei praised the heroes of the 2nd Naval Infantry Brigade and the 2nd MountainInfantry Brigade and the other military and security units, who renewed their covenant to cleanse Shabwa of the terrorists.Earlier on Wednesday, A military source in the leadership of 2nd Naval InfantryBrigade denied news stating that Al Qaeda seized a site for the leadership of theSecond Naval Brigade Infantry. The source told Saba that it is impossible for al-Qaeda and its supporters todominate a military unit, such as the Second Naval Brigade Infantry.