Houthi Ansarullah fighters hold weapons as they chant slogans in the Yemeni capital Sana'a

Fifty Houthis and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed and 48 others wounded by Yemeni forces and fighter jets of the Saudi Arabia-led Arab coalition in two cites in Hajjah province in northern Yemen, the media center of the Fifth Military Zone said Sunday.

Artillery shelling by Yemeni forces left 22 Houthis and pro-Saleh forces dead and 17 others wounded in Midi city, the center said.

A military vehicle and an ammunition depot of Houthis were also destroyed in the city.

In Harad city, 12 Houthis were killed and 14 others wounded, including four in a critical condition, in an artillery attack of Houthi field leaderships. 

The fighter jets of the Arab coalition also targeted a training camp of the Houthis in the city, killing 16 Houthis and wounding 14 others.

Source: MENA