Taiz Governorate

As many as 58 civilians were killed and 269 others injured in indiscriminate shelling and sniper operations by the rebel Houthi militia and group loyal to deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh in the Governorate of Taiz, south west Yemen, in February this year, according the Humanitarian Relief Alliance in Taiz.

In a report, carried by the official Yemeni News Agency, the Alliance said the death toll included 22 deaths and 98 injuries among children and 7 deaths and 26 injuries among women.

''Some 49 houses and government and private facilities were affected by the war and indiscriminate bombing of residential districts last month,'' the report added.

The report affirmed that the city is still living in a blackout as water and power services had been completely disconnected, in addition to a lack of health care services as a result of the suffocating siege of the city by the rebels.