Five people were killed today in clashes between Yemeni security forces and armed Houthis in Amran province, north of the country.A security official source in the province said elements of the Houthi group, armed with different types of heavy weapons, tried to bypass a security checkpoint at Al Dhabar area at the northern entrance of the province and when the checkpoint guard tried to prevent them from entering the point, they opened fire killing two soldiers.The source said clashes erupted between the security personnel and the Houthi militants after they opened fire at the security checkpoint. Three militants were killed, the source added pointing out that the local authorities issued last week warnings to prevent the entry of any groups carrying arms to the province.The Amran province had been the scene of violent clashes during the past months between Houthi insurgents and tribesmen before they were halted after a mediation led members of a committee set up by Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi.