4 Yemenis killed in Huthi shelling of Taiz city

Four people were killed and 13 others injured on Tuesday when Houthi militants and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh bombarded residential areas in the besieged city of Taiz.

The Houthis have closed off Al Dahi crossing in western Taiz in an attempt to prevent the entry of people, foodstuffs, medicine and relief aid as well as petroleum derivatives via the terminal, medical sources said.

For its part, the media office of the military council in Taiz said the Saudi-led coalition aircraft pounded Houthi sites in Mocha town in western Taiz and Al Qaeda town in eastern Taiz.

Yemeni army snipers and members of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) have killed three snipers of the Houthis in Osifrh district in northern Taiz, the media office added.

About seven Houthis were slain and scores wounded in clashes with the PRC members in the city, according to the media office.

Source: MENA