Houthi militia

At least 33 militiamen of the Houthi group and forces loyal to former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed in clashes and Arab-led coalition airstrikes in Taiz city.

Dozens also were injured in the skirmishes and the sorties that hit the militias' sites, the military information center reported on Saturday in a statement.

Around 11 civilians, including four children, were wounded in random shelling by the militias to the residential neighborhoods, the statement said.

The Arab-led coalition fighter jets pounded the militias' sites, weapon depots in different places of Taiz, while fierce clashes occurred between the Yemeni army and resistance forces in one hand and militants who have tried to retook some freed areas on the other hand.

The Houthis have been besieging Taiz for months and have prevented the delivery of essential aid to the war-ravaged city for months.

Source: MENA