Yemen attacks

Twenty six elements of militias loyal to Houthis and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed in two ambushes in Yemen, the BBC quoted Yemeni security sources as having said.

In Al Bayda province in southeastern Yemen, seven elements were killed and nine others detained in an ambush by the popular resistance forces loyal to the legitimate Yemeni government.

Separately, 9 Houthis were killed in a similar ambush in Taiz city in central Yemen.

Arab coalition warplanes also targeted a number of military posts earlier seized by Houthis and Saleh militias in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, leaving a number of houses belonging to leaders of the militias destroyed.

In a related development, coalition forces destroyed a bridge linking Sanaa and Haja provinces on which Houthis used to transport their military reinforcements.

Source: MENA