Arab coalition aircraft shell Houthi sites in Taiz

A total of 19 Houthis and pro-former president Ali Abdullah Saleh militants were killed in clashes in Taiz city with Yemeni army and resistance forces supporting the Yemeni legitimate government, resistance sources said on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Arab-coalition warplanes shelled on Saturday a number of Houthis positions in western Taiz city.

The jets have earlier targeted a number of Houthis military groups in northwestern Taiz where a number of militants were killed and injured.

In the meantime, the militias fired a Katyusha rocket towards a village north of Taiz city.

The Yemeni forces foiled two Houthis attacks south and northwest Taiz, the Military Council in Taiz said.

A Yemeni soldier was killed and six others were injured in clashes with the Houthis while a civilian was killed and eight others were injured when Houthis shelled a number of neighboring areas in the city, medical sources said.

Source: MENA