Houthi militia

At least 17 Houthi militants and fighters of former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh were killed in the ongoing battles between the army forces and the popular resistance, after they launched attacks against Houthi sites.

The Yemeni army forces launched an attack against Houthi militants in Wadi Halhan and managed to kill 7 of its members and the rest fled the scene.

The Arab alliance jets also shelled an area in Jawf governorate and killed at least 10 of Houthi militants and destroyed two tanks and two armored vehicles.

The Houthis began their advance in September 2014, sweeping into the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and taking over government ministries and other areas. They held top officials, including Hadi, under house arrest until Hadi fled, first to the southern port city of Aden, then to Saudi Arabia.

Sources: MENA