15 Houthi, Saleh militias killed in shelling in northern Yemen

At least 15 Houthis were killed when Saudi-led coalition jets pounded a gathering for Houthi militants in Harad district in Hajjah governorate in northern Yemen, the zone's military media center said Tuesday.

Two arms caches and a cannon were destroyed in the strike.

This coincides with the bombardment of some Houthi sites in Harad district by pro-government forces.

Furthermore, the Arab coalition aircraft bombarded Houthi positions in Al Jawf governorate, killing three military squads. 

A number of Houthi militants were killed in the clashes that erupted between Yemeni army forces, backed by members of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), and the Houthis in Al Maton district in Al Jawf governorate, according to sources with the PRC.

Source: MENA