14 killed in fighting between Yemen Houthis, Sunni tribes

At least 14 people were killed and dozens injured in clashes on Tuesday when the Shiite Houthi group advanced to Yemen's southern province of Ibb, tribal sources said.
The clashes flared up on Tuesday morning when Houthi fighters besieged the town of Radhama, some 193 km south the capital Sanaa, trying to take control over the Sunni regions, the sources said.
A source said the Houthis were met by fierce resistance from local tribes in Radhama. Up to 14 fighters from both sides were killed in the ongoing clashes, with dozens wounded.
Clashes over the past few days between Houthis and Sunni tribesmen in Ibb province have left up to 32 people dead and dozens wounded, according to medics at Ibb hospitals. Hundreds of families have fled their houses due to the fighting.
The Shiite Houthi group advanced to the country's southern regions after they took control of the capital Sanaa in late September. However, they have met increasing resistance from Sunni tribes and al-Qaida militants, which have left dozens of people dead.
The Shiite group, based in the far north province of Saada, has been expanding influence southward after signing a UN-sponsored cease-fire deal with the Yemeni government on Sept. 21. The deal put an end to week-long deadly clashes, and also empowers the Houthi rebels to play an important role in forming a new cabinet and determining the future control of the army.
The group also took over the western port city of al-Hodayda earlier this month.