13 Houthis killed, injured in Arab coalition

Yemeni military sources said Monday seven Houthis were killed and six injured in Arab coalition raids in western Taiz.

Three soldiers were killed in a booby-trapped car blast on a security HQ in the southern Yemeni governorate of Abyan. 

Yemen's internationally-backed government, allied with the Saudi-led Arab military coalition, has for more than two years been battling Houthi rebels over control of the country.

The coalition began a military air campaign in March 2015 to roll back Houthi gains and reinstate exiled President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his government to the power.

The coalition also imposed air and sea blockade to prevent weapons from reaching Houthis, who had invaded the capital Sanaa militarily and seized most of the northern Yemeni provinces.

UN statistics show more than 10,000 people, most of them civilians, have been killed since the coalition intervened in the Yemeni civil war that also displaced around three million.

Source: MENA