Houthi militia

As many as 13 of the Houthis and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh fighters were killed, while scores others were injured in clashes with the national resistance forces in Ad Dhale'e governorate, southern Yemen.

Al Arabiya News Channel said the militants launched an attack in Maris, Dhale'e province, causing destruction of a number of houses.

In Taiz, sources said Gabal Sabr area, southern Taiz, came under Katyusha rocket attacks by militias stationed in Air Defense camp in al-Houban district.

Meantime, the Arab Coalition air forces launched two air raids on Hayfan region, southern Taiz.

Scores of militia fighters were also killed and injured in confrontations in al-Hujjah, Northwestern Yemen. Heavy artillery weapons were used in the clashes.

Source: MENA