
At least 11 civilians have been killed in Taiz.

Six of the dead were killed in random shelling by Houthi and Saleh militias in the Yemeni city.

Five members of one family were also killed in a mine explosion in the south of the city.

Thirty-two more civilians have been injured in the incidents, according to the media center of the military council in Taiz.

The militias continue to surround the city despite pledges to open safe routes to deliver food, medicine and aid to residents, the center said.

The militias also shell houses of citizens who are forced to leave their homes to safe areas, the center further said. Those, the center added, face the threat of mines, which are being planted by the militias.

Twenty-five militants, meanwhile, were killed in military operations and Arab strikes on the city on Friday night, the center said.

Coalition jets hit targets of the militias in Mowazae directorate and the HQ of Brigade 35, it explained.

Three elements of the army and resistance were killed in the confrontations as well, the center added.

Source: MENA