Yemeni missile strike

Ten Saudi soldiers were killed in a Huthi missile strike at a military base in the eastern province of Maarib in Yemen, Al Arabiya local TV channel reported on Saturday.

The strike on Friday also left 45 UAE soldiers and five Bahrainis dead, the heaviest losses since the Saudi-led coalition began in March a campaign of air strikes targeting the Shiite Houthi rebels.

The strike occurred on Friday when Houthis fired a missile and hit a weapons store at a military camp, killing the soldiers who are part of the Saudi-led coalition.

Spokesperson of the Coalition forces Brigadier Ahmed Asiri conformed Saturday the death of the 10 soldiers, while affirming that some other soldiers were injured and most of them were discharged from hospitals.

He stressed that the incident wouldn't stop the coalition from continuing to provide assistance to Yemenis to achieve stability.

In response to the attack, the coalition launched a series of airstrikes against the Iranian-backed Houthis across Yemen, the channel said.

The coalition has been launching airstrikes since March 26 to promote the Internationally-recognized Yemeni government through fighting Houthi rebels.

Source: XINHUA