Palestine's Minister of Prisoner Affairs Issa Qaraqe

Palestine's Minister of Prisoner Affairs Issa Qaraqe on Sunday denied rumors by Israeli media that 88 prisoners stopped their hunger strike in Israeli jails. 
He defied the Israeli prisons' authorities if they are confident of the rumors to allow the attorneys to visit the prisoners. 
He pointed out that the occupation authorities are very concerned about the consequences of the hunger strike, whether inside or outside the jails. 
In a statement to the Palestinian news agency, Qaraqe said that the opposite is true, as new groups will join the strike today in Raymond and Megiddo prisons in support of the striking prisoners and in response to the arbitrary measures and the ongoing violations against the striking prisoners. 
The Hebrew radio claimed today that the hunger strike announced by the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation's jails is being receded after 86 Hamas prisoners in Gilboa prison and two other prisoners in Megiddo prison stopped their strike. 
For the seventh day respectively, about 1500 detainees in Israeli jails continue their open hunger strike to regain their rights, while Israeli authorities continue their repressive measures against the hunger strikers; those measures are represented in moving them from and to other prisons and storming their sections for searches.

Source: QNA