Israeli Court

Palestinian boy Ahmad Kaddour, 15, was sentenced on Monday, 20 February to 91 days in prison and a fine of 3000 NIS (approximately $810 USD), accused of throwing stones at Israeli occupation soldiers.

Ahmad suffers from epilepsy and is undergoing continued treatment for leukemia, with frequent need for medication and close monitoring of his medical condition. His family and Palestinian rights groups have urged his immediate release, noting that his health has severely deteriorated inside Ofer prison, where he is being held.

Ahmad has been imprisoned since 2 January, when he was seized by occupation soldiers and beaten with rifle butts near the Ofer military checkpoint; he is from the town of Beitunia.

He is one of over 300 Palestinian children held in Israeli prisons, and his case has highlighted both the imprisonment of Palestinian children and the medical neglect of Palestinian political prisoners. Nearly all imprisoned Palestinian children are subject to torture and ill-treatment, including beating, hitting, kicking, psychological abuse, threats, solitary confinement and interrogation without a parent or lawyer present.

At the same time, Israeli soldier, Elor Azaria, who was filmed extrajudicially killing a wounded Palestinian youth in Hebron last year, on Wednesday was sentenced to 18 months in prison, and was charged with unintentional muder by Israeli military court in Tel Aviv.

On a related note, Amnesty International in its annual report published Wednesday, said that Israel tortured Palestinians held in administrative detention, including children.  Methods of torture included beatings, painful shackling and sleep deprivation. Among 110 Palestinians killed last year by Israeli forces, the report charged, some posed no threat to life and thus were shot unlawfully. 

Source :PNN