Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Sabri Saidam.

Israeli occupation authorities on Sunday morning prevented Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Sabri Saidam from entering Beit Iksa checkpoint to inspect the educational process in the town.

The Ministry of Education said in a press statement that the minister and his delegation, which is composed of the Director General of the Field Follow-up, Ayoub Alian, and the Director General of Buildings and Supplies, Fakhri Safadi, Director General of International and Public Relations Nadim Sami, Director of the Education of the Jerusalem Suburbs Bassam Tahboub and the staff of the Directorate, considering that this prohibition comes as part of a deliberate campaign against Minister Siddam and the educational leadership.

The ministry condemned the Israeli occupation measures aimed at undermining the educational sector, which is considered the true lever of the Palestinian people.

The ministry renewed its call to all local and international human rights organizations and organizations to stand up to its responsibilities to protect education and to repel the inciting occupation campaign against it and against the educational leadership.