KATE WINSLET has spoken out against the Hollywood trend for cosmetic surgery, revealing that she and fellow Oscar-winning British actresses Emma Thompson and Rachel Weisz have formed what they call the \"British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League\". \"I will never give in. It goes against my morals, the way that my parents brought me up and what I consider to be natural beauty,\" said Winslet, whose appearance in a Lancôme\'s L\'Absolu Nu campaign was criticised for excessive airbrushing earlier this year. \"I am an actress, I don\'t want to freeze the expression of my face\". Weisz, meanwhile, has claimed that, \"people who look too perfect don\'t look sexy or particularly beautiful,\" the Sunday Telegraph reported. Gwyneth Paltrow, however, has reportedly said that whilst like Winslet and Weisz she would \"refuse to use silicone, Botox or any other of those gimmicks of pure vanity\" she would consider corrective breast surgery after breastfeeding, claiming \"there\'s actually nothing else to restore the original condition, is there?\" (Vogue)