Indonesian President Joko Widodo has condemned the bombing and shooting attack that wounded more than

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has condemned the bombing and shooting attack that wounded more than 200 people in one of the mosques in Egypt.

"I strongly condemn the attacks in North Sinai, Egypt," he stated, after holding the wedding ceremony of his daughter Kahiyang Ayu with Bobby Afif Nasution in Medan, North Sumatra, on Saturday.

It was previously reported that a bombing and shooting incident had occurred in the Al-Rawdah mosque, Bir al-Abed, North Sinai Province of Egypt.

As many as 235 people were shot, while 120 others were injured.

"We offer the deepest sorrow and sympathy of all Indonesians for both the Egyptian government and the victims, as well as the people of Egypt," he added.

No group has claimed responsibility for this attack yet. However, ISIS-affiliated militant groups have carried out attacks in Egypt before.

"Indonesia has always been with Egypt in such conditions, and I think we have repeatedly worked together within the framework of terrorism. The regulation of radicalism is our common obligation," the president added.

The attack begins with a bomb blast, which was then followed by a series of shootings at the survivors.

Dozens of casualties were reported in the attack

Source: ANTARA