UN Rights Chief Warns US against Mass Expulsion of Migrants


Mass expulsions of migrants from the United States would violate international law unless each deportee gets a fair process, UN rights chief Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein warned Wednesday in Geneva as he delivered a broad rebuke of the new US leadership.
The US Department of Homeland Security has taken steps to deport masses of immigrants living illegally in the country, under an executive order that President Donald Trump signed in January."Expedited deportations could amount to collective expulsions," Zeid said, which are illegal if due process is not guaranteed, including the right of every affected migrant to get an individual assessment. 
"I am especially disturbed by the potential impact of these changes on children, who face being detained, or may see their families torn apart," Zeid said at the UN Human Rights Council.He also criticized the Trump administration's revised temporary entry ban for citizens of six countries, as well its general attitude towards foreigners. 
"Vilification of entire groups such as Mexicans and Muslims, and false claims that migrants commit more crimes than US citizens, are harmful and fuel xenophobic abuses," Zeid said.

Source: QNA