Explosions at a munitions depot in Chernigov region.

Ukraine’s Defense Ministry beefed up security at all arms arsenals across the country after a series of explosions at a munitions depot in northern Ukraine’s Chernigov region, the ministry’s press service said on Wednesday.

"Upon the order of the Chief of General Staff - Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Viktor Muzhenko, security and protection has been stepped up at depots and arsenals of munitions across Ukraine," the statement said.

Early on October 9, an explosion was reported at an ammunition depot in Ukraine's Chernigov Region, followed by a fire. According to the local administration, nearly 60 people have sought medical assistance due to intoxication by combustion.

The Ukrainian State Emergency Service said a 16 km zone has been affected, which includes nearly 30 settlements. More than 12,000 citizens have been evacuated and the airspace with a radius of 30 km has been closed.

The fire is ongoing and some 6-8 explosions are taking place during an hour. The chief of the Ukrainian State Emergency Service’s support center, Roman Khrapaty, said 2,130 people have found shelter in 11 facilities, including 186 children. Restrictions have been introduced across the region, including along the state border, and border control has been enhanced.