President Tayyip Erdogan

Visiting Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that the Western countries should show humanity and extend a different kind of assistance to Turkey to deal with the current refugee crisis.

Erdogan made the remarks at a joint news conference with his Croatian counterpart Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic here, but didn't elaborate.

Turkey would never close its door to Syrian refugees, he said, adding, "Turkey never has nor will it ever close its door to people fleeing bombs."

Grabar-Kitarovic expressed strong support to Turkey's getting closer to the European Union (EU), including abolition of visas for Turkish citizens.

"Croatia can help Turkey in its EU integration process, primarily by providing strong political support in Brussels, for lifting visa requirements, which I hope will happen soon," she said.

Besides refugee crisis, during his two-day visit Erdogan will discuss the economic cooperation with Croatian officials. His delegation comprises of six ministers, including the minister of justice, European affairs, economic affairs, as well as over 90 businessmen who will attend a business forum.

On Wednesday, Erdogan will meet with Croatian Parliament Speaker Zeljko Reiner and Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic.

Source: XINHUA