Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders, acknowledged “Trump of the Netherlands,” has sparked controversy once more with derogatory remarks regarding the country’s Moroccan population, according to BBC News.

A conviction for hate speech two months ago hasn’t tempered the speech of, Netherlands political candidate, Gert Wilders. While launching his electoral campaign on Saturday, Wilders made several derogatory comments about Moroccans living in the Netherlands.

“The Moroccan scum in Holland,” he said, “once again not all are scum… but there is a lot of Moroccan scum in Holland who make the streets unsafe, mostly young people… and that should change.”

Wilders has been riding the Donald Trump wave, leading in popular polls and is now poised to become the next Dutch Prime Minister. His lead has been built upon the promises to end Moroccan immigration, shut down mosques, ban the Quran, comparing it to Mein Kampf, and leaving the European Union. In recent weeks, however, a rise in public concern that Trump is compromising global stability, has caused many to believe Wilders’ wave may finally have crested. His lead is beginning to slip noticeably.

After promising to reduce the country’s population of Moroccans at a rally in 2014, police received 6400 complaints from citizens citing accusations of hate speech. At his trial, just two months ago, he was convicted of insulting a group of people and inciting discrimination. During the trial, Moroccans testified that his comments made them feel like “third-rate citizens.” A census from 2011 shows that Moroccans in the Netherlands represent the third largest group on non-EU residents in the country. Despite the conviction, Wilders was given no sentenceand was acquitted of inciting hate.

According to the Associated Press, director of Contact Organ Muslims and Government, EbubekirOzture, was not surprised to hear that Wilders was at the centre of another controversy. He called the politician’s latest comments “reprehensible” but said “It’s not the first time and it probably won’t be the last time.”

Still, Saturday’s appearance did have a bright spot. Several protestors showed up to denounce him. “A lot of people have gotten used to it and they don’t protest anymore, and I think it’s important that you show your voice,“said one protestor, “that you don’t agree with the things that are happening and also just to get into contact with the people that are voting for him.”

Source :Morocco World News