General, Bakri Hassan Salih

The First Vice President of the Republic, the National Prime Minister, General, Bakri Hassan Salih, and the high level Chinese official the visiting Vice-Premier of China's State Council, Zhang Gaoli, have launched at the Republican Palace in Khartoum, Friday evening, the joint talks between Sudan and China.
FVP Bakri noted in his address to the joint talks sitting that relations between Khartoum Beijing represent a model of cooperation relation, indicating that the signing of the strategic partnership between the t wo countries, is an unpresented stage of communication between the two continents of Africa and Asia, indicating the supreme meanings included in the agreement, and expressed the expanded relations between the t wo countries.
The FVP has expressed the people and government of the Sudan to China's stances during the difficult times that the Sudan had undergone, referring to the success achieved by the national dialogue which have resulted in the formation of the Accord Government, and the ongoing process of the state's organs reform, stressing obligation to promote and develop the strategic partnership between Khartoum and Beijing to serve the interests of their peoples.
The Vice Premier of the State Council of China, Zhang Gaoli, on his part, in his address to the event, expressed appreciation to the efforts the Sudan exerted for boosting the economic partnership between the two countries, pointing to the 50 years old friendship between Sudan and China, and the signing of the strategic partnership agreement signed by President Omer al-Bashir and President Xi Jinping in 2015.

He said that his country appreciates the Sudan efforts for the formation of the reconciliation national government, announcing his country's support to prevalence of peace and stability in the Sudan pointing to the Sudan's supporting stances to China in regional and international forums.
He called for intensifying efforts to strengthening oil cooperation between the two countries, lauding the Sudan's support to the initiative of the Belt and Silk Road launched by the Chinese president.
Zhang Gaoli has announced a new batch of aid to the Sudan of 500 million Chinese yuan, the exemption of 160 million soft loans on Sudan as well as China's readiness to support the Confucius Institute of the University of Khartoum, and the strengthening of the cultural and academic exchanges between the Sudanese and Chinese universities.
