The Catalan parliament today declared the region independence from Spain.

The Catalan parliament today declared the region independence from Spain.
Catalan Parliament Speaker, Carme Forcadell, today declared establishing the "Catalonian independent and sovereign republic" that is willing to engage in the civil society as soon as possible.

The independence motion was passed in the 135-member assembly with 70 votes in favor, 10 against and 2 blank ballots, Speaker Forcadell added.

The vote came a day after Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont ruled out calling for a snap election.

In a swift reaction to the motion, the Spanish Senate endorsed a host of drastic measures proposed by the government to halt the separation push in Catalonia, almost an hour after the region declared independence from the country.

The Senate's 214-47 vote gave the green light for the invocation of Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution.

Meanwhile, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy urged his nation to remain calm, stressing that his government would restore legitimacy and rule of the law in Catalonia.

Speaking in a press conference after a Senate session, the prime minister said the statement by the Catalan Parliament declaring independence from Madrid, earlier today, was not only "a law-breaking act but also a criminal action." The step taken by the Catalan Parliament today emphatically underscores necessity of implementing Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution and taking decisive measures against the secession movement, he said.

Reacting to the situation in Spain, European Council president Donald Tusk called on Spain not to use force in Catalonia, after the region's parliament declared independence, and Madrid’s intention to impose direct rule from Saturday.

"For EU nothing changes. Spain remains our only interlocutor. I hope the Spanish government favours force of argument, not argument of force," tweeted Tusk

Source: BNA