Xiao Junzheng

Deputy Director General of the Department of West Asian and North African Affairs in the Chinese Foreign Ministry Xiao Junzheng said that working on finding a permanent, just and fair solution for the Palestinian issue as soon as possible is one of the important means to put an end to terror and extremism in the Middle East.

During a meeting with a visiting Egyptian journalist and media delegation including MENA, Xiao pointed out that any delay in solving the Palestinian- Israeli conflict will make the international community unable to combat terror.

Egypt and China contributed a lot to fighting terror, he added. 

He asserted that China has extended support and cooperated with Arab countries in the fight against terrorism in view of the fact that it has become an heightened threat to international peace and stability.

The Chinese diplomat also highlighted the need for beefing up cooperation in development projects in order to provide more job opportunities for youths to avoid being trapped in any extremist or terrorist activities by extremists.

Source: MENA