Saudi Border Guards foil infiltration attempts

Saudi Border Guards stationed in the border areas between Saudi Arabia and Yemen foiled the infiltration of 3,680 people across the Saudi-Yemeni border since the beginning of October.
Border Guard's spokesman Colonel Saher bin Mohammed Al-Harbi said that the "Border Guards in the southern regions had managed from the beginning of October till Sunday to thwart several attempts to cross the borders of the kingdom."
This comes as a continuation of the Border Guards commitment in addressing all attempts to penetrate and cross the borders of the Kingdom by illegal means, he added.
He pointed out that "groups of people were spotted coming from Yemeni territories, trying to mislead through the use of natural barriers in an attempt to hide from the eyes of border guards and illegally enter the country. This necessitated dealing with them according to the circumstances of the situation."
This resulted in the arrest of 3,680 people of different nationalities.
All security procedures and border security system and its executive regulations were implemented against the arrested persons in cooperation with the other security authorities.
Al-Harbi confirmed that "Border Guards will strike with an iron hand against anyone trying to bypass or help those people to illegally enter the Saudi borders and will counter all attempts of smuggling and infiltration across the borders."
He also stressed that they are determined to protect the kingdom's land and sea borders from all what is aimed at its security, stability and capabilities and will keep protecting it from those who try to harm the country.