Russian military

 A group of Russian inspectors will visit a designated location in Turkey under the Vienna Document to verify the information about the military activity in the area, Russia Defense Ministry said on Monday.

"Within the framework of the Vienna Document 2011 on Confidence and Security-Building Measures, a Russian group of inspectors will assess a designated area in Turkey on Feb. 13-16," a statement published on the ministry's website said.

According to the statement, the inspection's goal is to confirm whether any military activity was carried out in the area or not, and to establish its scale. The designated area's size is approximately 18,000 square kilometers.

The Russian inspectors would visit training facilities and weapons ranges, and attend the briefings of commanders in the military bases of the Turkish Armed Forces.

The Vienna Document aims to reinforce the security measures in Europe and envisage the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe member states, providing each other with information about their armed forces, defense planning and military budget details, as well as exchanging military observers and carrying out inspections.

source: Xinhua